4 Easy Ways to Better Toy and Figure Photos

Forward ~Toy photography is an excellent medium to both show off your collection, and your creativity. Toy photography is a great way to play with your collection in a more sophisticated manner. Here are 4 easy ways to add more flair and pop to your toy photos. 1: Using a "Live" Background ~Some of us aren't the best artist or sculptors, and creating an "in-context" isn't exactly easy. Luckily there is something we all have, T.V.'s and/or computer monitors. It's as simple as finding a fitting image or video, or even static color, and placing your figure in front of it. Expose for the subject's lighting, and start shooting. Add extra lights to add pops of color to the figure to make it more believable. Keep in mind that screens have a max brightness, so when setting your exposure, take a few tests shots to determine whats bright enough for you. Any sort of direct light towards the screen will cause it to glare, ruini...